Photographic Tools

Keyword libraries for Lightroom and Bridge

by Graham Watson

- All 10,475 Bird Species of the World (with families)
- Australian Birds (with or without families)
- Antarctic Birds (with families)
- Argentine Birds (with families)
- Brazilian Birds (with families)
- Chinese Birds (with families)
- Cuban Birds (with families)
- Danish Birds (with families)
- Egyptian Birds (with families)
- French Birds (with families and French names)
- Greenland Birds (with families)
- Indian Birds (with families)
- Indonesian Birds (with families)
- Israeli Birds (with families)
- New Zealand Birds (with or without families and Māori names)
- Papua New Guinea Birds (with families)
- Russian Birds (with families)
- South African Birds (with families)
- Swiss Birds (with families)
- Australian Butterflies (with families)
- Australian Mammals (with families)

Adobe Bridge Keywords Page
Adobe Lightroom Keywords Page

Other keyword libraries

by Mark Wilson

Mark is a wildlife photographer from England who writes keyword libraries for various species for Adobe Lightroom and Bridge. His lists are below:

- British Birds List (with or without families)
- USA Birds List (with or without families)
- Western Palearctic Birds List (with or without families and with Italian language)
- European Mammals (with families)
- European Amphibians (with families)
- UK Butterflies (with families)
- UK Dragonflies (with families)

Please visit  Mark's site  for these keyword lists and view his awesome photos whilst there.

by Tim Makins

Tim is a professional Travel Photographer who has travelled virtually everywhere on our planet. He runs an amazing website called It is an extensive and impressive collection of keywords, controlled vocabulary and how-to's. It is well worth the visit.

Other Tools

Bird species and descriptions
Paper sizes used in photography and printing
Depth of Field Calculator

Please feel free to download and use. If you find errors please contact me and I will endeavour to correct them.
Please use a link back to my website if you find these tools useful or wish to share them with anyone else.
The libraries and tools are presented with no warranty implied or given.

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© 2003-2019 Graham Watson. All rights reserved.
Last modified:  August 10, 2019